Walter O'Dazier got this nice 190 pound 8 Point on Saturday Dec. 19th at 136!
Check out the brow tines on that sucker!! Good Job
This one makes 3 nice 8 points already this year, I can't wait to see what else we can get!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Walter O'Dazier's 8 Point
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Kristopher Even's First Deer!!!
Man, I love this kid!
So, the story goes, is Kristopher shot this 3 point and the deer dropped and before he hit the ground Kristopher had turned around and yelled to his Paw Paw (Jim Evans) "I dropped him in his tracks!!!!" That is great, good job man!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Blake's 8 Point!!!
OK, I've been slacking and I'm trying to catch up now!
Here is Blake's first buck, a great 8 point weighed 155 pounds, and was taken at 148 on the first frost of rifle season. Good Job Blake!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Black Powder and Openning Weekend
Well, the deer moved a bit slow this year, but we still had a good black powder and openning weekend. Well first we had Chip's nice 170 pound 8 point (which was he took with my black powder gun), then Chuck took this nice 6 point the next morning with his black powder. OB came on down and busted this doe with Brad's black powder (HEE HEE). Then Brad took out his Fiance for good luck on openning day and laid down this 155 pound 6 pointer (I knew Kellie was good luck!) Other than that Jimmie Sr. popped a coyote and a bobcat, Walter O'Dazier busted a coyote, and Blake Smallwood shot a fox (We need to thin out these predators big time this year, good job fellas!) I heard Jared Miller got a doe as well on Monday, but I don't have pictures. Can't wait for this weekend!!!!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Chip's Black Powder 8 Point!!
So old Foster Bradley laid the SMACK down on his BIGGEST BUCK EVER last week on November 17th! You think was happy about it??? GREAT BUCK, weighed 170lbs, 8 Points with about a 17" sread, GOOD JOB CHIPPER!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Trevor's First Deer!!!
Well, after watching Trevor come out for the past few years, we've got to give him his own posting and show! Remember it buddy, you only get your first deer once! Now you will be hooked like the rest of us! Congratulations to you, Phil, and Chuck who I know have brought you out on many occassions!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Youth Hunt Weekend!
Well, we took a doe and a couple of spikes the last week of bow season, now it is time for the kids to come out and show us how to do it! And they did!!
Austin busted this coyote at 15P, we've got plenty more!
And Trevor stepped up to the plate and got his very first doe!! Great job to both of you!!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
LSU vs. BAMA 2009
Well, we gathered, we watched, and we had a good time!
Congrats to Bama on the win!
Next year we are bringing our referees!!! LOL.
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
First Weekend of Bow Season Re-Cap!
Well, first of all, as usual, we had a blast! It was great getting down and hanging with all the Fur & Feather folks again.
So this is about what the kill board looks like now:
Ryan Rivierre: Doe
Jimmie Jr: Doe (and first deer pot winner by 2 pounds!)
Chuck Savage: Spike (lost by 2 pounds, hee hee hee ;-)
Brandon O'Dazier: Spike
Todd Weigel: Doe
There was another one shot, but we couldn't find it. Not a bad weekend! It should only get better from here now that we had some cooler weather! I can't WAIT! Take pictures and send them to me so I can keep the blog updated.
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Todd Weigel on the Kill Board!!! (Yes he has been a member for a while!)
Well my cousin Todd (who has been a member for 3 or 4 years now and in that time has probably hunted a total of less than 10 days) decided he was coming hunting openning weekend. Not only that, he went out and shot this awesome doe on Sunday morning at about 15 yards to make his first crossbow kill! Good Job and nice deer, Todd!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Brandon O'Dazier on the Kill Board
Brandon went back to the same field Ryan and I were successful on the next day and got this one. (In fact I was sitting in his stand the night before, Thanks Brandon for you permission!) Ryan watched Brandon lay the smack down on this one with the illuminocks on the arrow. I was talking to Ryan on the radio, he was so pumped, you would of thought he shot! Anyway, Brandon shot this one for a doe, but it had little spikes on it, but the funny part was it must have run into a tree and PIERCED ITS EAR with the spike!!!! CRAZY COOL!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Jimmie Jr. on the Kill Board!
Well, it looks like I finally broke my bad luck streak (or just got lucky this time!) But I took this doe as my first crossbow kill the first afternoon hunting with my podna from New Orleans Ryan. It was a BLAST! We watched each other shoot at deer!
This same afternoon, Chuck "Fur & Feather" Savage also got on the kill board! Way to go Chuck!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 1:34 PM 0 comments
The very first deer shot in our 2009-2010 season!
My guest Ryan Rivierre shot the first deer this year. This was about 30 minutes after I lost an opportunity while we were trying to video and me missing a coyote from the tree. (Sorry about the poor quality, I did this on my regular camera and was trying to sit down when he shot!) I then took the second deer of the year about 30 minutes after this! We had an AWESOME HUNT and a lot of fun.
We looked for his doe until about 9 PM that night, but lost the trail. When we came back Saturday, we found her about 35 yards from where we stopped
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
2009 Bow Season is Here!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm at work...
Not cool...
BUT I'M HEADING DOWN TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
HAPPY BOW HUNTERS' EVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some are on there way or there already!!!!
Me, I'll be there tomorrow with the rest of our clan! Looks a little rainy tomorrow, but we are suppose to have a great weekend in the woods. I hope everything goes well, everyone stays safe, and I DON'T MISS AS USUAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm super pumped!
See everyone at the club, and remember, if you havn't paid your lot rent, you can't hunt until you do, and it is considered late by Friday!!!!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hey Everyone,
I've got one or two calls saying folks didn't get the rules I sent out in February. I posted an online version on Google Docs. The link is on the right hand side in the Favorite Links portion. It is an ugly version, but the text is there!
You should be able to print it out from there.
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fertilizing and Planting Last Two Weekends
It has been a mess, but we are fertilized, and about 50% done planting. With a little break and enough help, we should be get it done this weekend.
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Well, I need to get back in the blog mode again. If you are a member and haven't been down, we've got quite a bit done for having rain every weekend, but we are still only about 50% planted. We planted in a slop bowl last weekend and had to run back to the club every hour or two to dodge thunder storms. It was bad!
But hopefully the rain pushed the seed in the mud rather than washed it all away!
We'll see in a week or two!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Work Day Update 8/25/2009
Hey Everyone,
We had a great work weekend, if you weren't there, you missed out on some beautiful weather.
Steps and Railing were put on the Drive through field with scrap wood and painted
The feeder was knocked down and so that was fixed as well
The Bush hog wheel was re-welded on
The middle road (to the pumping station) was all bush hogged (the entire club now)
The steps on 96 were also painted
The grass got cut as usual
A new door was put on the back of the club house (but not finished)
The two new ATV Seed Spreaders were put together
The Barb Wire fence was put back up where it had fallen before
And some other little things were done
We still have 3 scheduled work day weekends.
But help is needed every weekend in September!
We are basically down to cutting roads and plots and prepping fields so BRING YOUR CUTTING TOOLS!!!!!
We are also looking at getting BULK Fertilizer rather than pre-bagged. It only cost a couple of hundred more BUT we will be putting down around 75% of the recommended rate rather than 25% with the pre-bagged stuff. The obvious problem is that means we need to bag the stuff!! We are looking into using the buggy wherever we can, BUT we will still need to bag some ourselves for the fields the buggy won't make it to!
SO if you put out corn or have access to bags that will hold 40-50 pounds of fertilizer, PLEASE SAVE THEM AND BRING THEM TO THE CLUB!!!!! It will help.
REMINDER: IF YOU STILL OWE DUES, PAYING THE DUES PORTION WILL STOP LATE FEES FROM ACCRUING, so you can send that in now and pay the fees owed anytime before your first hunt!!!!!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hey Everyone,
Well it is about that time again! I'm ready to get some seed in the ground and get ready to bow hunt!
Just wanted to shoot everyone a heads up, if you haven't finished all of your work days, then we still have 4 weekends left for scheduled work days.
This weekend (August, 22-23)
Next weekend (August, 29-30)
And then in September the last two weekends (19-20 and 26-27).
Hope to see you there this weekend as we get the roads and fields ready to plant!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Getting that time of year again!!!
I'm ready to get the work done, seed in the ground, and get to hunting!!!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Work Day Notice for July 25th Weekend!
FYI, Everyone, we have a scheduled work day next weekend the weekend of July 25th. Remember 3 of the 5 total work days must be on these scheduled days. The next two are the last two weekends in August I believe...
Looking forward for some Fall fun in the woods!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
MEMBER NOTICE: Payments and Work Days!
Hey Everyone,
OK, the 2008-2009 season is officially over!
Time to get on the 2009-2010 season. As always, that begins with some money!
So please note that Lot Rent 1 was due back on April 1st and is already late if you have not paid it.
BUT Payment 1 was due on May 1st and will be considered late if postmarked after May 15th. So if you haven't yet, please get that mailed as soon as possible.
Payment 2 is due on July 1st and will be considered late after July 15th.
Lot Rent 2 is due on October 1st.
NOTE: Per Bit's Request, the May Scheduled Work day is the weekend of the 30th.
So here are our Scheduled Days:
May 30
July 25
August 22
Autust 29
September 19
September 26
Remember that we are NOT going by the 3rd weekend of the month rule we used last yeat, and 3 of your 5 work days MUST be during these scheduled weekends or it is $200 a day before you can hunt!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 30, 2009
SO AFTER AN AWESOME DEER SEASON THE PREACHER NOW GOT HIS FIRST TURKEY, I'm happy as hell for him, but I'm going to let him tell the story, this is what he sent me:
I was in Area 4, up on the gas line, when a Boss gobbler started his tree gobble. I moved down to the upper end of the green field at 105, set up a hen decoy, then crawled into the brush. I lay on my stomach behind a tree, and for forty minutes, me and that big boy were having a conversation. I think he must have gobbled 25 times after he flew down.
He was well on his way to me when I saw a hen cut between us. About ten minutes later, he stopped gobbling.
After about thirty minutes of waiting, and occasionally calling, I assumed that my hunt was shot, just as many others had been. I crawled out of the trees, stood up, and began to walk down toward the stand at the far end of 105. As I began to be able to see over the rise at the end of the field, I spotted a turkey across the creek.Immediately, I dropped to the ground and crawled back into the trees. I made my way through the trees down toward the end of the green field, and set up in the trees with a good view of the clearing.
Thirty minutes passed, during which I would occasionally cluck or drop in a low yelp. Suddenly, I heard the gobbler I had been talkin' to all morning. He gave me one of those "where are you?" gobbles, to which I immediately responded with a soft series of yelps and cuts. Then, I just sat silently.
A few minutes later, a hen wandered out into the clearing in front of me. I hoped that she would stay and maybe draw a gobbler in. But she had other intentions, and she made her way on up the gasline. I looked back off to my left, and there he was. Big gobbler! Huge! If he weighed an ounce, he weighed thirty lbs.! And he already had me. Sixty yards away, He was looking straight at me. I couldn't raise my gun, I couldn't even blink. He would have busted every turkey in the area if I had moved. So I watched him walk into the woods.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw some movement. Sure enough, another gobbler was walking up the gas line. He wasn't fifty yards away, and didn't have a clue that I was in the area. He walked behind a tree, allowing me an opprtunity to raise my gun. When he walked past the tree, I pulled the trigger. He became my baptism into the world of turkey. 17 to 20 lbs., with a ten inch beard and 1" spurs, he was as good as I could ask for in the first turkey I have ever killed.
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Bit Turkey
Don't know the story, just got the picture!
I know he wounded like four last year, this one looks a little "bit" more than wounded!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 11:43 AM 0 comments
OK, I know I've been slacking on the posts. I've been swamped at work and haven't been to camp since Feb. But I did get a couple of pictures of turkeys taken.
Here is a small cell phone pic of the big turkey Brad killed. I believe it was his first one and that Micheal Gill called him up for him!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 11:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Well, Jack wanted me to post a reminder to all club members that NO ONE should be on the property at all this week or next (except for in the club area).
It seems someone went through some gates this weekend even after the new keys were issued and Jack is getting his turkey feathers all ruffled up!
So Jack, if no one is suppose to be on the property, why were you on the property when you found the tire marks??????
Anyway, a reminder, it is in the club rules, no road riding or going in the woods or fields for the two weeks before turkey season which begins March 16th.
Later! Have much more to add, but I'm swamped at work.
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Work Day Notice and Logos
OH, I almost forgot. All members should receive their rules by no later than tomorrow. I brought them to the post office on Friday and a lot of folks told me they had them by Saturday.
NOTICE: FIRST SCHEDULED WORK DAY IS THIS SATURDAY! FEBRUARY 21ST!!!!! It is nice to knock out one of the mandatory days while the weather is still cool!!!!! And it is easier to cut back brush now rather than in August!!!! See you there.
I also created a couple of logos the black and white one which you saw on the rules. I made this color one as well if you like it I thought I would share it with everyone, but for letter heads and all the color was to much so I stuck with the black and white.
Black and White Logo 2009
Color Logo 2009
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Other Deer Pics I missed during the Season
OK, I finally got out the rules to everyone and I received a few good pictures from folks at the end of the season I said I would post (Sorry for the delay)
First off was the Preacher Buck! This 8 point was a beauty! I didn't get to put my hands on him but I saw some other pictures and MAN WHAT A DEER! I believe it weighed 165 pounds and was taken on 96 (the same stand as the Jimmie Sr. buck) about a week and a half before the season ended (Jan 19th I think). Awesome Awesome buck, really heavy main beams all the way to the end and a MASSIVE neck on this bad boy. The Preacher (Jonathan Lambert) got in the club this year and took his first rack ever on this same stand earlier in the season a nice 6 point. He had one hell of a year and is probably spoiled for the rest of his life now!
This buck was also a dandy and weighed in at 170 pounds (five pounds short of our heaviest taken this year). He took this dude on 105 behind the club house smack in the middle of the day in the last week of the season. Look at the way the main beams come all the way around and almost touch! Unreal! Great Job, Hunter! (Sorry for the delay in posting).
Hunter also sent me this picture of my Dad's buck because it captured all the junk and kickers I explained in the posting but didn't have a great picture of. Thanks again. So this is another shot of the Jimmie Sr. 10 point.
OK, I think that does it. All season long I believe there were less than 3 or 4 bucks I did not get posted on the site or email out before I created the site. (I think!) Hope ya'll enjoyed it!
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Fur and Feather LSU Supporters at the CACO!
All those raised in New Orleans, Louisiana like myself, understand that we are all called by a higher power to a mission that brings meaning to all of our lives. It is part of our calling to spread the word and find confused and lost individuals and let them all know that they will be saved as they proclaim their faith and loyalty to Louisiana State University. LSU is the one and only true college that deserves their eternal love and respect and in turn will help them find their way.
As LSU missionairies we have spread the word and miraculously had a great turn out and converted more fans at the 2009 CACO than ever before. In only three short seasons, we have brought the overwhelming majority of Fur & Feather including 4 of the 5 board members into the Purple and Gold Light! Can I hear a GEAUX TIGERS! Amen to that brother! Here is evidence of these Born Again LSU Fans:
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Well, we had another great year and on the last day (after beating each other up at the club meeting) we like to remember why we are all here and remind ourselves how much we love this land we hunt and the folks we hunt with with a celebration. We successfully had our 3rd Annual CACO (Coon Ass Cook Out) and enjoyed over 60 pounds of crawfish with vegetables, sausage, and other good stuff along with 3 dozen crabs, 20 pounds of jumbo shrimp, and 100 oysters. It was delicious!!!! Myself and Jason (Our head coon ass chef) have enjoyed the hell out of putting this on the past few years and it just seems to be getting better each year. THANKFULLY, this year was fairly calm, no craziness, and was just an enjoyable evening with our club friends and a lot of good food!
There were a lot of kids there this year, and I love that! My boy had the Evans clan to run around with and enjoy and we had three beautiful youngins (Lil-Weigel, Lil-Gill, and Lil-Lemley who will all be up and terrorizing the place by next year) walk around catching everyone's eyes! Good family crowd and we loved it up! So here is to one more good year at Fur and Feather. Enjoy the slideshow:
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Well we got through our annual meeting with no Fur & Feather Deaths! There was some heated discussion, but it all comes from good places and our passion for keeping the club the club we all love.
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
And the nicest rack of the year award goes to... MY DAD?????
Well, my pops (Jimmie Sr.) took an unbelievable 10 point on the second to last day of the season. I was in a doctor's appointment when they brought it in and my phone blew up. The doctor just about kicked me out! No one understands our obesessions!
So here is the story. He was sitting in 96, gas line stand, one of our best stands that took more deer than any other this year. The number 1 draw every morning goes here every time, and he was lucky enough to draw number 1 this time. WAIT, let me back up, for the record, my Dad hunts about no more than 5 or 6 mornings a year, so miracle number one, HE WOKE UP! Miracle number 2, he drew number one! Miracle number 3, HE ACTUALLY WENT HUNTING instead of doing one of his I'll go out about 8:30 ventures! My Dad has become very allergic to temperatures under 40 degrees in the past 10 years, and it was 25 degrees on the morning of 1/30/2009.
So, it was a morning of miracles before he even got to the stand! But he bundled up, and went out. Well about 7AM he realized that he was so bundled up he didn't know if he could shoot if one came across our big gas line. So he started to adjust his jacket. As he was fighting this jacket, the he heard a stick break off to his right between the stand and the green field. He wasn't too worried until he did a second look to see nothing but these horns tearing out of the woods and burning fast across the gas line. He barely had time to get his rifle up and fire right as the buck made it to the other side of the gas line.
He was certain he had missed. And strangely enough, as he told me this story, he said after getting upset about his miss, he began to think of me!!!!! THANKS DAD, just cause I can't hit the broad side of a barn, huh? So he couldn't take it, he got the shakes really bad, the not knowing and the questions of "what just happened?", "what did I do?", "did I get him or did I miss?" and he just couldn't take it, he got out and went to go look for blood. He found nothing! This gas line is extremely hard to find the actual spot you shot on because there is nothing but grass and no trees or bushes to landmark from the stand. He knew a road came down the wood line and he might be able to spot blood on that road a little easier so he worked around to the road.
Back and forth up and down the road he looked and looked finding no blood. Now when I saw wood line I should say thicket because you might be able to see 10 to 15 feet MAX into this thick stuff, I should know, he was only 25 yards from one of my stands on the thicket edge overlooking the creek with HUGE rubs I found in the early season and told him about. As he was looking for blood he kept hearing some leaves ruffle around every once in a while and he was certain it was nothing but birds in the leaves. But right about the time he was ready to give up and go to plan B (GO GET HELP JUST IN CASE, WE DON'T QUIT) he heard the noise again and spotted a horn move through the brush. UH OH!
He went in after the buck and ended the hunt as quickly as possible. The buck's final resting place was 6 feet from my stand (the one my future brother in law helped me hang earlier in the year).
My Dad has been hunting for basically his entire adult life. He began driving to Alabama and bringing a pain in the butt little 6 year old son 24 years ago. No matter how much the kid moved and wiggled around and they didn't see deer, he kept bringing that boy and built a never ending bond that for sure still exists today. About 15 years ago that passion for the Alabama Outdoors brought my Dad and his wife to the Birmingham area. Almost 6 years ago, the same Alabama Outdoor passion he passed to that pain in the butt son of his picked up his life and moved to Alabama as well. This move is the reason his son met his wonderful wife and also the reason they now have their son, or his grandson, who bears the proud name Jimmie Wayne Loats III.
In his lifetime, he has only killed one true wall hanger before this buck who is still his biggest buck ever. But this beauty has more character than the one he has on the wall now and will make an excellent addition as his second biggest, but nicest character buck. Out of the three kickers on the base, we only believe one will actually score, most would call this a 12 point, but we believe it will only score as a 10 point (it is going to be very close). Nevertheless, and unbelievable creature, and just a great end to our 2008-2009 Fur & Feather Hunting Season!
GREAT JOB DAD! I'm so very proud and happy for you and your AWESOME accomplishment!
Thanks for introducing me to the beautiful woods of Alabama, thanks for bringing me even when I now know it was hard, and thanks for all of the great times we've shared together in the woods and at hunting camp!
Love, Your Son, Jimmie Wayne Loats Jr.
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Jason added an Outdoor Restroom!
Well, good ole Jason did it again. He made a crawfish table and then decided on some crafts for the left over piece of wood! Only Jason would do this one!
This was my guest Paul Berner using Jason's new facilities. The toilet seat is coming next week for the ladies, and guys, don't forget to put the seat down!
But we had a good night by the camp fire that evening.
(Please excuse my Dad's gesture that I had to blank out of the image!!!!)
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:19 PM 0 comments
I shot another Fox!
Apparently, foxes are about all I can kill this year!!!
I tried to align two up at a time, but they spooked when I clicked the safety. One came across and I just let go, but then this one made the mistake of coming across at dark as I was packing up! So I guess I can't blame the 6 point I missed last week on my rifle!
Jason was right across from me and took this bad boy! (Third deer ever!)
Posted by Jimmie Jr. (Cajun) at 4:15 PM 0 comments