Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Work Day Update 8/25/2009

Hey Everyone,

We had a great work weekend, if you weren't there, you missed out on some beautiful weather.

Steps and Railing were put on the Drive through field with scrap wood and painted
The feeder was knocked down and so that was fixed as well
The Bush hog wheel was re-welded on
The middle road (to the pumping station) was all bush hogged (the entire club now)
The steps on 96 were also painted
The grass got cut as usual
A new door was put on the back of the club house (but not finished)
The two new ATV Seed Spreaders were put together
The Barb Wire fence was put back up where it had fallen before
And some other little things were done

We still have 3 scheduled work day weekends.
But help is needed every weekend in September!

We are basically down to cutting roads and plots and prepping fields so BRING YOUR CUTTING TOOLS!!!!!
We are also looking at getting BULK Fertilizer rather than pre-bagged. It only cost a couple of hundred more BUT we will be putting down around 75% of the recommended rate rather than 25% with the pre-bagged stuff. The obvious problem is that means we need to bag the stuff!! We are looking into using the buggy wherever we can, BUT we will still need to bag some ourselves for the fields the buggy won't make it to!

SO if you put out corn or have access to bags that will hold 40-50 pounds of fertilizer, PLEASE SAVE THEM AND BRING THEM TO THE CLUB!!!!! It will help.

REMINDER: IF YOU STILL OWE DUES, PAYING THE DUES PORTION WILL STOP LATE FEES FROM ACCRUING, so you can send that in now and pay the fees owed anytime before your first hunt!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hey Everyone,

Well it is about that time again! I'm ready to get some seed in the ground and get ready to bow hunt!

Just wanted to shoot everyone a heads up, if you haven't finished all of your work days, then we still have 4 weekends left for scheduled work days.

This weekend (August, 22-23)
Next weekend (August, 29-30)

And then in September the last two weekends (19-20 and 26-27).

Hope to see you there this weekend as we get the roads and fields ready to plant!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Getting that time of year again!!!

I'm ready to get the work done, seed in the ground, and get to hunting!!!