Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Todd Weigel Doe 2 at 137 Sunday morning 11-28-2010

Todd's "I've got to hit with one of my bullets" doe at 137 Sunday 11-28-2010

Big Todd stepped up for doe #2 on Sunday morning! Because I love him, I've got to tell the story:

After feeling confident in his 300 yard doe the night before when the doe came out at 100 yards he thought there was nothing to this, until he missed...

So when another doe came out with a yearling at 300 yards he shot once, shot twice, and the third time was the charm!!! So I guess long story short, Todd needs to shoot his new rifle at 300 yards!!!

Congrats, Cuz, I'm proud of you and glad you had a great two deer weekend!

Brad Savage Doe at 136 11-28-2010

Brad Savage Doe at 136 Sunday 11-28-2010

Brad Savage FINALLY got on the board after a box of shells, shooting all of his Dad's bullets and throwing a few rocks, he came back with this Doe on Sunday morning.
Now you've got one it should get easier!

Britt Lemley Saturday Afternoon Hunt at 107 11-27-2010

Britt Lemley broke in his new 300 Short Mag on Saturday! He shot a doe and she ran off, he was looking for blood on his hands and knees when he heard something in the field with him and he looked up and saw this 7 point stomping at him. He reached over and shot the 7 point and then found the doe for a very lucky and successful two deer hunt!

Way to go Britt!!!

Todd Weigel's doe on 137 Saturday Evening

Todd broke in his 7mm Mag at 300 yards at 137 and bloodied up his new bike! 11-27-2010

So Cuzin Todd swapped to the 7mm Mag and broke it in on his first hunt at 300 yards!
First hunt, got his first deer, and brought it back on his 4 Wheeler on Saturday afternoon!

Good Job, Cuz!

Trent Postell two does and out Saturday evening 11-27-2010

Trent picked up where his Daddy left off at 142 for a two doe hunt 11-27-2010

After Trent's Daddy missed everything that moved last week, Trent decided to go help his pops out at 142 on Saturday evening!!! (Just kidding Terry, you know I love ya!)

Anyway, Trent busted these two does out of a group of three that apparently were the same three his Daddy shot at the week before because one of these looked like they had been grazed! Craziness going on at the Fur on a 10 deer day!

Way to go, Trent!

Saturday Morning Hunt 11-27-2010

Saturday morning we brought in 5 does and found another that was taken the night before for a total of 6 deer in the freezer!

First up to bat was Wes Templeton, who shot a doe at 96 on the evening hunt of 11-26-2010 and his stepson missed twice after that. But they went back in the morning and Wes shot another doe at 96 PLUS found his doe from the night before still in tact! Good Job!

Then the Preacher stepped up (I don't have a picture because it was gone when I got back). Johnathan shot a doe at 136 on Saturday morning.

Chuck "Deer Slayer" Savage decided that he wanted to watch the LSU game so bad he would just go ahead and take two does in area 44 that morning... then LSU lost, and he was deeply upset... His daughter even called to check on him...

Then Chip Bradley jumped on the board with this doe at 146 which according to him was just in time, because he was out of meat!

Blake Smallwood's Deer 111 on 11-26-2010

Blake's Deer from 111 on 11-26-2010

Old Blake shot this deer and missed another at 111 on Friday. Unfortunately this doe had 3 points, BUT I can honestly say I have been there and it is absolutely a learning experience.

I would like to give Blake a personal THANK YOU!
Thanks for doing the right thing, stepping up, bringing in the deer! (I know it is not an easy thing to do!) We give old Blake a rough time, but we only do it because we love ya, Amigo! The club is better with you in it, and those 3 points won't bother you a bit when that meat hits your dinner plate!

Thanksgiving Weekend! I was Thankful...

Jimmie Jr. and Jimmie III hunting in 17P 11-26-2010

Well, opening weekend of rifle season was alright, but honestly not the weekend we all sort of expected. It was hot, the moon was bright, and the deer moved a little, but not a lot.

Thanksgiving gave us a cool snap that changed all of that. We had a GREAT weekend of family, fun, camp time, oh yeah, and Hunting! Plenty to be thankful for! I believe that just about EVERYONE that was there saw deer!

I got to hunt with my favorite hunting podna for two days (my 4 year old boy) and on Saturday the Fur & Feather had a 10 deer day! 11 if you count the doe that Wes retrieved from the night before. So here we go with some pictures.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two more does taken on Monday 11-22-2010

Well, I didn't get pictures of them but new member Ted Taber and El President Chuck "Fur & Feather" Savage both took does on Monday morning.

Ted shot one on 115A and Chuck shot one on 103 right behind the club.

Jimmie Jr. 1st Bobcat

Well, I was trying to get on a coyote and I just couldn't get a clear shot when this bobcat came out at just a bad time... Old 7 Mag made a mess of him in my newly found Turkey conservation effort!

Brandon O'Dazier's 9 Point on 11-20-2010

Well... After two years of whinning about how his Dad has all the luck, Brandon got lucky on 11-20-2010 and got this 120 pound 9 point (main frame 8 with about a 2 inch kicker at the base) on the second morning of gun season. This buck was taken in one of the new clear cuts in the back of the property.

Congratulations to Brandon on his buck.

Some people will do anything to get on the blog!

New Member Chris Baggett was feeling left out and shot Bugs...

I'm not really sure what the leash was for...

Chris Bagget... trying to get on the blog

Sonny Riley Doe Opening Afternoon

Old Sonny laid down this doe in one of the new clear cuts on the afternoon hunt of opening day!

Sonny Riley Doe 11/20/2010

Way to go Sonny!

Jimmie Jr. Doe on Opening Morning 11-20-2010

Opening Day Doe

Well, after my black powder "miss"hap the day before, I felt the need to gain some confidence in my trigger finger...
This doe messed up when she ran across me at 70 yards on opening morning...
93 pound doe eat good...

Me and Jason were the only two opening morning kills this year.

Jason West 7 Point 11-20-2010 Opening Morning!

Well Old JW was the first member to lay the smack down this year!!! Only took until rifle season for something to happen, but we are looking ahead now!

Jason West took this 130 pound 7 point on 137 and laid him down in 1 shot!

Good Job and Congratulations to my friend Jason West on his biggest buck to date!

Monday, November 15, 2010

John Austin Black's FIRST BUCK on 11-14-2010!!

So Britt Lemley brought John Austin Black (A.K.A. Boo Boo) to the youth hunt this weekend. They saw a couple of deer but closed the deal on Sunday evening on this nice 130 pound 6 point on the gas line's 137!!!! Boo Boo said he killed his first doe last year and was ready to get a rack, and we are glad he did it at the Fur!!!

Congratulations Boo Boo!!!! We are proud of you for doing it right!

JW Templeton 1st Deer Ever 11-13-2010

Well, I have a BUNCH more photos but I went and forgot my camera at camp, so I will update this next week when I get back if I can.

Youth Hunt 2010 kicked off right with Wes Templeton taking out his 8 year old boy JW to 97 Saturday morning. After missing last year, JW was ready to make things right this year. At about 9:35 AM, he did by dropping this spike in the green field!

I wasn't comepletely sure who was more proud, JW when he asked everyone in the camp to see his deer (which was great!) or old Daddy who was almost shaking like a kid on Christmas morning with pride! Doesn't matter, we are happy for both of ya'll.

Congratulations JW, and THANK YOU for showing the rest of us members how it is done and taking the first spot on the board this year!!!


OK, so for the first time that i know of, we completely struck out at the Fur & Feather during bow season 2010. That doesn't mean we didn't see plenty of deer or even get shots, but we didn't retrieve any of the 6-7 that were hit (and no telling HOW MANY that were missed).

But that is alright, youth hunt weekend changed our luck!

Jonathan's unbelievable Turkey Season 2010

Well, I guess I should start off by saying I'm sorry to Jonathan that I have not had the time to get these images uploaded (been slammed). Anyway, here are his 5 BIRDS and the stories that go with them:

Jonathan says:

My first bird was taken out of area 14. I went in that morning (can't remember the date), heard him gobbling up near the gas line, and went after him. On my way, I passed another turkey who was gobbling in area 19, so I stopped briefly to see if I could call him up to the road. He stopped gobbling, so I continued toward the turkey that I had initially heard. As I was moving his direction, his gobbling was quickly getting louder, so I decided to stop and wait for him. It took him about 2 minutes to come running almost squarely into me, and he got a dose of lead for his trouble. 18 lbs., 10.5 " beard, 1" spurs.

Turkey number 2:
I went into area 7 very early that morning, simply because I intended to get right in the middle of where I felt the turkeys would be. I moved to a spot on the treeline down on the big gasline. I had 6 gobblers tree gobbling around me. A few tree calls, a fly down cackle, and a few yelps, and two of them walked out in front of me. I shot the one who was gobbling the most! 18 lbs., 1 1/8 " spurs, but a short 9" beard. Good bird, but not as good as the one that was his friend.

Turkey number 3:
This morning, 4/12/10, I went into area 14 early, and when the light began to touch the sky, the turkey birds went crazy! The only problem was, they were all the way across area 14, on the opposite side of the Fireman's Gate Road, where I was sitting. I tried to call them over, but, even though they seemed to be interested, they stayed on the other side, eventually crossing the gasline and moving away. I decided to walk the gaslines around 14, just to see if I could get any response. After being unfruitful at this endeavor, I sat down for a while to listen. After about half an hour I decided it was time to go home. It was around 9:00, and I was approaching the intersection of the gaslines, when I heard a gobbler begin to gobble up around 139. After carefully assessing the situation, I decided to backtrack across the creek, then began a mad dash of about 200yds to get to where they were. Crawling in on my belly, I managed to get close enough to see that this gobbler was struttung, About 30 minutes later, he gave me a clear 25 yd shot. This bird was a Mack Daddy! 20+ lbs, with an 11" beard, and 1 1/8" spurs, Good bird!

Turkey 4:

Turkey 5:
It was the last Monday before the season ended, and I wasn't going to get to hunt again. After leaving area 14 at about 9:00 that morning, I signed out, then signed in to area 3, where I needed to retrieve a ground blind that I had there. I carried my gun, just in case. As I walked down the gas line, I saw a turkey in the food plot at 105. I skirted the gasline, walking through the trees, crossed the creek, and came up behind the shooting house. Laying flat on my belly behind some of the sparse vegetation that was left there, I began to call. As I watched through my binoculars, I saw that there were actually four turkeys; two jakes and two gobblers.They were at the far end of 105, right in the middle of the clearcut. It looked to be a near impossible situation, but, after a few minutes of unsuccessful calling, I decided to see if I could flank them. backing down the ridge, I went to the creek, then traveled all the way around the edge of the clearcut, using the trees and ridges to conceal my movement. After about 35 minutes of walking, I managed to come up behind them, and , using a small band of vegetation as cover, I stalked to within 25 yards of where I had last seen them. The whole stalk took me about an hour and a half. I wasn't sure they were still there, so I patiently waited to see any movemnt on the other side of the brush. All of a sudden, one of the jakes ran into view. Upon seeing him, I knew I was in a good spot, so I began to make a few soft calls, after which one of the gobblers walked out. I stopped him right where he walked out. Exciting hunt, but baby, I had to work for that one!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2010 Fertilizer and Planting Schedule

OK, we are going to try something new here. This is the Planting Schedule we have so far. It lists each field we plant (the acreage documented) and the amount of Lime it got (if any) in May 2009, the amount of Fertilizer it will get this year, along with the amount of seed it will get.

I'm posting it here in case you are curious and so everyone will look at it and see if I'm forgetting anything, which is possible because it is A LOT of stuff. As of now we only plan on planting the white bag of seed we had last year and then four bags of that field of greens we did last year. But if you know of some GOOD SEED for cheaper, let us know now and we'll compare blends to cut costs.

NOTE: It won't fit in this template, you'll have to click on it and see the full image within Photobucket where it is shared in order to read the detail!!!

2010 Fert/Plant Schedule

Monday, August 16, 2010


I have been a bit out of touch on here since my Turkey hunt, sorry for the delay.

First things first, Fur and Feather would like to extend a warm welcome to our two new members:

Chris Baggett and Chris Sanner

Welcome to our family!


OK, here we go, it is time to get busy workin so we can do some enjoyin later.
As the rules state, the scheduled work days are the last two weekends in August and every weekend in September. We kick it off this weekend with getting everything cleaned up and starting to get our dirt ready to plant.

Don't forget, if you don't have tools to work with, then you DON'T get credit for the work day!!! Bring chain saws, hammers, shovels, or whatever tools you can so we can do as much as possible to get ready. If you are not sure what to bring, call Bit Savage the work day supervisor.

I hope to see you all there, I don't know about ya'll but I'm ready for some Hunting Club time at the Fur!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jimmie Jr. 1st Turkey on 1st Turkey Hunt with Bit Savage guiding on 03/20/2010

Jimmie Jr. First Turkey (Jake 3/20/2010)

Wow, where do I start? What a day, what a hunt, the crazy part was this turkey wasn't even the exciting part!! I guess I'll say that I actually tried turkey hunting alone one afternoon about 10 years ago by myself, didn't work, never did it again! My friend Bit Savage has been telling me for 4-5 years now that he would take me and every year life comes up with a different excuse for me not to go, that may change now!

I don't want to give away Bit's secrets, but to not tell the story would be to not honor the day we had in my mind. SO I made it down on Friday night expecting a good night's sleep, when I was told no-can-do! The time had changed and it isn't light until almost 6:30 so why not? Well apparently these crazy turkey hunters leave around 5:00 AM to get set up!!! CRAZINESS! So we were a little late and I believe that may have been my fault but we went out Saturday morning to a place Bit had watched some hens and a gobbler go up to roost the night before. It was still pretty much dark and Bit said we were about 20 minutes late, they'll see us now??? And then he said he forgot his owl call, and I said I can do a fair one with my mouth so he said give it a shot and I'll tell you if it is bad, I let it out and was SHOCKED, a turkey gobbled back at me and the hunt was on!!! Bit said, "that'll work!" as I did a little dance like I was a turkey calling mad man! So we sat down on the gas line waited a few minutes and Bit let out a little call (I think it was a Yelp) well I had NO IDEA how cool this was about to be, the Turkeys went NUTS! We had a least 4 different ones gobbling for 20 mintues all over the place, Bit said that is right where he thought they were and he wanted to be in the middle, I'm not sure my heart could have taken it if we were, these dudes were ready for action!

So we thought we had them coming in 2-3 times we heard a couple fly down, and Bit kept calling, then he said, Uh-Oh, those are hens calling, and they are with the hens! At this point I had my shotgun up for almost an hour and a half with visions of an gobbler coming out right on top of us and making this a short and easy day and was one uncomfortable puppy so I invited his suggestion to move. What I didn't understand was why we had to go 250 yards in the opposite direction of the birds??? But I kept my mouth shut and went with the man who seemed like he knew what he was doing. We went down to the creek and he used the hill side to muffle the noise and we stayed in the water as much as we could to get in the woods a couple of hundred yards and set up. We ended up almost right under a buddy stand I have down there, we sat down and I thought I heard something so I kept looking, Bit said Jimmie, turn this way, there is one out about 90 yards, the heart started going and I slowly turned and Bit kept calling a yelp here and a put there and a pur here, next thing I know there they were two HUGE gobblers and a couple of others I expect were hens just a bit up the hill right next to us at about 40 yards in range, THIS WAS IT! The bead was on them, but it was too thick, all I needed was 10 more yards, so I waited! One let loose a gobble and I about jumped out of my pants! We just couldn't get them on our side of the brush and I didn't want to make a bad shot and they were sort of in Bit's direction which made me uneasy as well (Bit too, because I glanced over and his head was back and his finger in his ear waiting on me to shoot!! LOL) after about 10 minutes they dipped off away from us and 5 minutes later what I believe we believe was two more gobblers came in across the bottom in front of us with big beards hanging and beautiful and once again, I thought, "THIS IS IT!" They went straight to the same spot and started strutting and just going in circles just like the others, I was amazed at how cool this really was, whether I got a shot or not! We watched them walk back off where they came from and then Bit called in the hen that was over there and feeling lonely after so much company, so she almost jumped in Bit's lap! Putt-Putt...Purr...Yelp, and she kept looking around and getting closer and closer right where I had hoped the gobblers would come. He kept saying sit tight to me, and I was thinking, yeah I'm not worried she is going to get you first, she was less than 15 feet from Bit! Then she walked off and Bit jumped up, and said "THAT WAS AWESOME!!! That was a good hunt right there, Man!!!" and I laughed because I thought that was my line!!! It really was, it was incredible, all these years and I had no idea. Plus at this point, I knew I was with the right guy, to put us in that location using the land and terrain to get set up and have them so close and never spook was very impressive to me and I've been hunting for over 27 years!

So we proceeded to walk 800 miles up and down and get hot with basically no action for two hours and on the way back to the truck, Bit said, I gotta go give it one more try, so we got on the gas line and he hit the call at 11:30, and one let loose again. I almost died laughing because Bit's eyes lit up with surprise about 3 inches wide as he about ran me over to jump into the bushes!! It was great! We had two gobbling again and the hurting legs and hunger pains quickly went away! We thought they went away, so we made the decision to start all over again and climb the big hill and get back around and work in, but half way up they gobbled again, they were already coming and they were RIGHT on top of us! But we weren't set up, I think we spooked one and the other walked around us, but boy it got the heart going! Bit said "Dang, I messed up, but that is part of it!" I don't see how anything negative could come out of it, we were having a blast and it could have just as easily been the best move we made as well! It was a GREAT hunt with my friend that I'll never forget, and I didn't even take the safety off!

My Jake was sort of a fluke! We went behind the camp and was walking out after a hour or so of no action when over the truck I spotted a turkey in the clear cut! When I just started to say something Bit said, "TURKEYS!" as another one moved. We were looking over the truck at them!!! We froze as they just walked off the hill side, and Bit said "They were males, go run down the wood line they are going to hug the hill and angle back towards the woods and you should get a shot!!"

Now I'm tired, fat and out of shape, and at this point, I thought Bit was just wanting to see a fat boy run!!! So I started jogging and turned and he said "GO, RUN NOW!!!" so I ran about 75 yards and turned again to make sure he wasn't on the ground laughing, and he was actually joggin behind me, so I knew he might be serious. So I ran about 150 yards and edged up over the hill to see nothing but sticks and logs! Out of breath and tired and dissappointed for actually running for no reason, then I caught movement at about 35-40 yards as a head stuck out from behind a brush pile just as Bit said they would, red throat and beautiful, but I couldn't really see a beard, so I hesitated, then the second one came out, and they were aware something was up so they started walking faster. I was just taking it in, the beautiful colors of their neck and feathers, they never did anything for me before this day! Then a little hint of a beard on the second bigger one, I really didn't want to shoot a jake and I hesitated again, and a quick pain from my legs from all the walking and running reminded me it was time to capitalize off of the effort, so I shot and laid him down flopping! The other one jumped/flew up about 10 feet and landed at the woods edge and dissappeared. Bit ran up tired, and said, "What took you so long? I thought you weren't going to shoot!!!"

One day, one shot, and one kill! My first turkey, and my friend Bit there to do the honors of bloodying me up for the first time in over 20 years! He had about a 4.5" beard and just little nubs for spurs (probably just under a 1/2") but I didn't care!I used the 12 guage my dad gave me that up to this point has taken many species of wild game, but never had taken a turkey, which made it even more special to me.

We high fived, shook hands, laughed and retold the story five times like we both didn't just live it, and I thanked him for an awesome awesome hunt that I would have enjoyed just as much even if I didn't get one.

Now I had told the wife that if I got one I would come home (thinking there was no way I would get one), but now what? But because I have the best wife in the world she gave me no grief in staying, so I went out with Bit after we cleaned up my bird and took 47 pictures and enjoyed the moment for a while this time with just a camera in hand. We didn't get much action, but I got to watch and learn from a man who knows what he is doing. At one point Bit even handed me a call and said lets fight, I felt like I was in grammar school and was excited at the chance to make some noise. After no answering for a couple of hours we were walking out and Bit said I just don't know why these turkeys don't answer to an owl hoot here like they seem to everywhere else. On the road on the way out, he let out one last hoo-hoo-hoo-hwah and one let loose back where I had said I thought I heard one fly up, his eyes lit up and a smile hit his face, as he said, "Got him! Oh yeah, I know where that one is! See you tomorrow!"

Thank you Bit, sorry we got rained out on Sunday (well I did, Bit went out anyway with rain gear, which I didn't have) but thank you very much for an unbelievably great hunt and experience at the Fur & Feather! I'll never forget it. I look forward to getting back down and going again, until then, I'll be practicing and getting ready for a gobbler next time!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Christian West, 1st Deer, 95lb. Doe, 128, 1/30/2010!!

I guess I should start at the beginning, Jason West, my good friend and hunting buddy has had one single goal all season long, and that was for his son, Christian to get his first deer! Well as it sometimes does, it came down to the last weekend! Jason brought Christian out Friday Morning and Evening and Christian, a new hunter and excited kid, got two shots at two does, and missed both times (they were long shots, and I don't think he cared one bit, after his first miss he turned around to his Daddy and said: "This is the best hunt EVER, Daddy!" You gotta love spirit like that!) If it was about the experience, Christian already had one heck of a weekend!

Well while his Daddy (Jason West) was cooking for the entire camp in the 4th Annual CACO, Brad Savage offered to take little Christian West out for the last evening hunt of the year. Well Christian didn't know that 3 times the charm just yet. So the way I understand it, they went to 128, and three does came out. Brad asked Christian if he wanted to shoot, to which he immediately replied YES!!!!!! LOL!! So Brad helped Christian get ready and take his time, and wait for the right shot. And that is what Christian did, dropped his first doe in the green field for a hunt he will NEVER FORGET in his lifetime! (FYI: Christian you can always say that your first deer was twice the deer of your Daddy's first!!!! LOL) Brad said we can wait and get another one, to which Christian said OK, and about a minute and a half later changed his mind!!!! LOL... That boy was ready to go get his deer!!!!

Well, the CACO didn't matter anymore when the new young hunter brought in his first deer, and that is EXACTLY the way it should be. The CACO was great, but all of us cheering on Christian's experience was better. Daddy did the honors and bloodied up his son, Brad followed, and I got a streak as well, it was AWESOME and this was one proud boy! He didn't want to wash it off just so he could go home and show his Momma the next day! I love that!!!!

On a more personal note, I have to shoot a sincere Thank You to Brad Savage for being an awesome young man he is to Christian and basically all of the young kids at camp! To take this boy out and share this experience with him the right way! (And I know for a fact that Thank You goes triple from Christian's old man!) So thank You Brad, and GREAT JOB Christian for closing out the Fur & Feather 2009-2010 hunting season with a hunt and story we will all remember for years to come! (I'm going to try and upload the video to and hope it works!)

Jimmie Loats Jr. 6 Point, 137 (2 Bucks in one season, NO WAY!)

Jimmie Loats Jr. 6 Point, 137

I know, it is hard to believe myself! I actually got two bucks in one season, heck I was happy with the 5 point a couple of weeks ago, but this one just begged for it a little too much!

Sitting at 137 for the first time in probably 2.5 years, enjoying the morning view like you have to at 137, I saw two spikes already and around 8 AM this guy starts RUNNING FULL BLAST from around 112 (which is the next ridge over) coming right down the gas line. I just looked with my binoculars because I usually won't shoot at a running deer, and this one was at 500 yards, so there was no way. Well he kept running closer and closer, and I was just watching, then at about 250 yards I saw the 4 on one side and actually thought he was a 7-8 point. He came through the field in the bottom and I put up the gun and started whistling and he just kept coming! Finally he got so close, he ran right by me, I threw the gun out the back window and as yelled "HEY!!!!" just about as loud as I could. He stopped for 1 second, and that was it, the new T/C 7 Mag handled the rest! A 600 Yard run just to get shot out the back window at 45 yards! He ended up only have a fork on the other side making him a 6 point, but I'll take him anyway!! 3 deer in one year is pretty much unheard of by me, but we are gonna eat good this year!!!!

A special thanks to Britt and Chris Lemley who came out and loaded him up for me a couple of hours later because my back was messed up! Thank you Fellas!


#4 Doing it again!

Well with another year, we had our almost traditional Coon Ass Cook Out, where we all enjoy each other's company for the last Saturday Evening of Hunting Season! It was COLD COLD COLD this year, but those crawfish, vegetables, and crabs did the trick of warming us all up Cajun Style!

I guess I sort of shorted the pictures this year of the actual feast, but not without good reason! While Master Chef, Jason West was busy cooking for the entire club, Brad Savage stepped up to the plate and took little Christian West out to get his first deer ever, a 95 pound doe off of 128! Well as always, any kid's first deer basically trumps anything else going on! It was great, the entire camp was proud of him, and the crawfish and crabs just sort of took a back seat to the moment, as they should!

Brandon O'Dazier scoring in the last couple of days!

After going all year since openning weekend of Bow Season, Old Brandon was looking, and he got one in the last couple of days, this 4 Point is actually a great deer to take, the right side was all messed up and the deer was fairly large for a bad rack!
Good Job, Brandon, glad you got one before it was over!

Brandon O'Dazier 4 Point

OB Schmidt 6 Point 139

OB actually found his deer on 139 (Well, maybe I should say Bit Savage did a couple of days later!) Regardless, they found him! Beautiful 6 Point! What I love about OB, is even when he shot, he said I believe it was only a big 6 Point, a lot see a rack like this, and start shooting, not OB, he always knows what he is shooting at, if it costs him the shot, he doesn't make it! Too bad he can't find the deer after that!! JUST KIDDING JUST KIDDING! Great Job, OB and Bit!

OB Schmidt 6 Point

Sandy Lemley 5 Point

Just trying to catch up here with the last week of the season:

Sandy Lemley 5 Point on 96
Sandy Lemley 5 Point

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Britt Slayed Another One 145 Pound 8 Point

Britt Buck 2 1/25/2010

Britt Tearing it up AGAIN on 130 with this Buck Tuesday afternoon!
Good Job, one more and I guess you'll have to go get a job!!!

Just kidding, you know I love you man!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Britt 5 Point (HAD TO SHOW ME UP!)

Well, just about the time that I settled for the fact that although ugly and not wide there was a good chance that I was going to have the nicest 5 POINT of the year, Britt comes in with this dude! I saw him a few weeks ago and thought he was a 6, and they both weighed the same, but I have to give it to Britt on this one, this is a NICE 5 Point (That is why we let the spikes live, I'll take them like this all day long a few years from now!) Just when Britt thought he wasn't going to kill a deer all year, he FINALLY got up in the morning to take this guy before 7 AM!

Good Job Britt! Glad you got him, my friend!!! 96 coming back to life in the final days of 2010!

Chip 8 Point #2

Chipper got this one on Saturday Morning for his second 8 point this year!

Chip's 8 Point

1/22/2010 Fred Templeton GETS THE MAC-DADDY!!

Third Week in January is officially declare Fred Week!

FRED WEEK 2010!!!!

After busting this 7 point last Monday (1/18/2010) Fred's luck struck again 4 days later on the afternoon of January 22, 2010 when he was sitting a few hundred yards behind the club in the middle of the new clear cut ON THE FOOT PEDAL of his 4 Wheeler Wittling on a piece of wood at 3:30 PM when he glanced up and saw this guy walking out in the clear cut with him! Fred Shot, and the Mac-Daddy 11 Point is down!

This guy has some history at our club, and there have been 4 or 5 of us killing ourselves for a chance at him. We have pictures of him in velvet, and then early bow season, and Brandon even has pictures of him sparring with the 195 lb 6 point that Brad shot a few weeks ago. Apparently he broke off the extra left tine around the G3, but an AWESOME 10 point nevertheless!!!

Great Job, Fred! I'm glad you got him and had a great week! Congrats you old fart!

So unless some miracle happens in the next few days, I think it can be officially stated that for two years in a row now the old farts are showing all of us up! My Dad with the 10/12 last year and Fred with this awesome 10/11 point this year! Both with funny stories to go with them! Good Deal Fred! Here is your show!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fred 7 Point 1/16/2010

You think the Rut is on at the Fur??????

Fred has been LIVING at 100 for two weeks +, and I'm glad to see that it finally paid off for him. He took this 7 point on 100 on Monday afternoon 1/16/2010! Don't know the story yet, just that the buck weighed 135 pounds and Fred got him! Good Job, Fred!

Fred 7 Point 100 (135 lbs)

Preacher 4 Point 1/18/2010

Old Preacher Jonathan took this 4 point on Monday morning 1/18/2010 at 137. Don't know the story, but I'll update this if he emails me the story! I do know the buck weighed 150 pounds.

Preacher 4 Point 137 (150 lbs)

1/15/2010 5 Point taken by JIMMIE LOATS JR???? That can't be right, he doesn't kill deer?????

Jimmie Jr. 5 Point 1/15/2010

Well it is true, I finally shot SOMETHING worth shooting!! It sure is lacking in spread and points, but he was fairly heavy and tall, so I'll take it. It could be called a 6 point I guess, it had two kickers and one measured one inch, but we use a metal ring at the club and pass something over the top and due to the thickness of the metal one of the kickers BARELY didn't make it. So I'm going to roll with the Club way and call it a 5 point.

It was Friday afternoon and I had let a smaller buck walk the night before. This one came down the same trail back at me on the ridge behind me at 4:50 PM. As soon as he came out he was looking at me, almost at eye level with me, in fact I think he was above me. I saw he was tall and only had one brow tine, and I laid him down with the first shot from my new 7 Mag which was pretty cool! I guess it is hard to miss at 18.5 yards! Because of the angle I didn't know he was as tall or heavy as he was until I got to him because he was in some thicket, but whatever, 165 pound deer is a mature buck for our parts (probably 3 - 3.5 years old) and I'll take him.

I put some pics in the show in the woods where I got him, also of his back hooves which we've had a few with weird white markings here this year???

Still hoping for a bigger one in the last two weeks, but if not, I'll take this guy for this season and be perfectly happy with it for sure.