Monday, January 25, 2010

1/22/2010 Fred Templeton GETS THE MAC-DADDY!!

Third Week in January is officially declare Fred Week!

FRED WEEK 2010!!!!

After busting this 7 point last Monday (1/18/2010) Fred's luck struck again 4 days later on the afternoon of January 22, 2010 when he was sitting a few hundred yards behind the club in the middle of the new clear cut ON THE FOOT PEDAL of his 4 Wheeler Wittling on a piece of wood at 3:30 PM when he glanced up and saw this guy walking out in the clear cut with him! Fred Shot, and the Mac-Daddy 11 Point is down!

This guy has some history at our club, and there have been 4 or 5 of us killing ourselves for a chance at him. We have pictures of him in velvet, and then early bow season, and Brandon even has pictures of him sparring with the 195 lb 6 point that Brad shot a few weeks ago. Apparently he broke off the extra left tine around the G3, but an AWESOME 10 point nevertheless!!!

Great Job, Fred! I'm glad you got him and had a great week! Congrats you old fart!

So unless some miracle happens in the next few days, I think it can be officially stated that for two years in a row now the old farts are showing all of us up! My Dad with the 10/12 last year and Fred with this awesome 10/11 point this year! Both with funny stories to go with them! Good Deal Fred! Here is your show!