Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Black Powder and Openning Weekend

Well, the deer moved a bit slow this year, but we still had a good black powder and openning weekend. Well first we had Chip's nice 170 pound 8 point (which was he took with my black powder gun), then Chuck took this nice 6 point the next morning with his black powder. OB came on down and busted this doe with Brad's black powder (HEE HEE). Then Brad took out his Fiance for good luck on openning day and laid down this 155 pound 6 pointer (I knew Kellie was good luck!) Other than that Jimmie Sr. popped a coyote and a bobcat, Walter O'Dazier busted a coyote, and Blake Smallwood shot a fox (We need to thin out these predators big time this year, good job fellas!) I heard Jared Miller got a doe as well on Monday, but I don't have pictures. Can't wait for this weekend!!!!

Chip's Black Powder 8 Point!!

So old Foster Bradley laid the SMACK down on his BIGGEST BUCK EVER last week on November 17th! You think was happy about it??? GREAT BUCK, weighed 170lbs, 8 Points with about a 17" sread, GOOD JOB CHIPPER!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trevor's First Deer!!!

Well, after watching Trevor come out for the past few years, we've got to give him his own posting and show! Remember it buddy, you only get your first deer once! Now you will be hooked like the rest of us! Congratulations to you, Phil, and Chuck who I know have brought you out on many occassions!

Youth Hunt Weekend!

Well, we took a doe and a couple of spikes the last week of bow season, now it is time for the kids to come out and show us how to do it! And they did!!

Austin busted this coyote at 15P, we've got plenty more!
And Trevor stepped up to the plate and got his very first doe!! Great job to both of you!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

LSU vs. BAMA 2009

Well, we gathered, we watched, and we had a good time!
Congrats to Bama on the win!
Next year we are bringing our referees!!! LOL.