Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kellie Savage First Deer (Brad finally let her shoot!)

Another one of the Fur & Feather Babes buster her first deer this week. After a few years of trying, on the afternoon of January 8th, 2011, Kellie Savage got this 4 point for her first deer ever!

We are happy for her, and proud to watch her step into the obsession with the rest of us. Keep up the great work, Kellie!

So that is two Fur & Feather Babes with their first deer in 2011 already. Looks like the Year of the Ladies!!!

Chris Baggett -- didn't want to be shown up by his wife...

Chris Bagget's 115A Doe Jan 8th, 2011

Chris shot this 100 pound doe at 115A on the morning of Saturday January 8th, 2011. He then proceeded to get stuck in the woods with a dead battery, call us up crying wolf, and we got there to help in time to watch him drive away...
Just kidding, Just kidding, we are happy for you and your deer!

LaDonna Baggett's First Deer (Doe, 111, Jan 2nd 2011)

LaDonna Baggett busted her first doe at 111 on January 2nd 2011!
Although she is a new member this year, I would like to say that she has already fit in as part of the Fur & Feather family very well and we are lucky to haver her! (I guess Chris is alright too...;-)

Anyway, congratulations on your first deer, and I hope this is just the first of many of your deer at Fur & Feather.

Jonathan Lambert's 6 Point!

Preacher Buck, 6 Point 136 Dec. 28th 2010

The Preacher busted this 6 point at 136 on December 28th, 2010!
Way to go!

Preacher Buck, Dec 28th 2010

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


OK, I'm making an official decision and declaring the last week of 2010 LEMLEY WEEK!

I think these two bucks deserve this respect. So congratulations to Chris and Britt Lemley on two great bucks, and I hope you both do it again this weekend and buck out so the rest of us can hunt 136 and 96 again... (KIDDING, JUST KIDDING...)

Britt Lemley closing out 2010 RIGHT with this 8 Point!

Something kept Britt in the stand long enough to shut down this 185 pound 8 point at 136 on the warm morning of Friday December 31st, 2010 at 9:15 in the morning (almost 45 minutes after Britt's usual, I'm going back to bed time!)

I can't say anything, this guy has two GREAT bucks down this season, and I may mess with him basically every chance I get, but I only do it because I'm jealous and happy for him! Great Job, Britt, it looks like the new 300 Mag is on a HOT STREAK!!!

Britt Lemley's SWEET 8 Point, 185 pounds, taken on 136 on 12-31-2010

Chris Lemley, GREAT 9 Point on 96

Chris Lemley somehow found time in his busy schedule to make it out to the Fur and shoot this GREAT 9 point killed in 96 on the afternoon hunt of Tuesday December 28th, 2010!

All Chris could say, is I saw him the first time and I started praying, then he came out again, and I prayed harder, then he was there at 20 yards!!! I would say that is 100% one prayer answered! Congratulations to Chris on this great buck!

Chris Lemley's STUD OF A 9 POINT!!! Taken on 96 on 12-28-2010