Thursday, April 30, 2009


SO AFTER AN AWESOME DEER SEASON THE PREACHER NOW GOT HIS FIRST TURKEY, I'm happy as hell for him, but I'm going to let him tell the story, this is what he sent me:


I was in Area 4, up on the gas line, when a Boss gobbler started his tree gobble. I moved down to the upper end of the green field at 105, set up a hen decoy, then crawled into the brush. I lay on my stomach behind a tree, and for forty minutes, me and that big boy were having a conversation. I think he must have gobbled 25 times after he flew down.
He was well on his way to me when I saw a hen cut between us. About ten minutes later, he stopped gobbling.
After about thirty minutes of waiting, and occasionally calling, I assumed that my hunt was shot, just as many others had been. I crawled out of the trees, stood up, and began to walk down toward the stand at the far end of 105. As I began to be able to see over the rise at the end of the field, I spotted a turkey across the creek.Immediately, I dropped to the ground and crawled back into the trees. I made my way through the trees down toward the end of the green field, and set up in the trees with a good view of the clearing.
Thirty minutes passed, during which I would occasionally cluck or drop in a low yelp. Suddenly, I heard the gobbler I had been talkin' to all morning. He gave me one of those "where are you?" gobbles, to which I immediately responded with a soft series of yelps and cuts. Then, I just sat silently.
A few minutes later, a hen wandered out into the clearing in front of me. I hoped that she would stay and maybe draw a gobbler in. But she had other intentions, and she made her way on up the gasline. I looked back off to my left, and there he was. Big gobbler! Huge! If he weighed an ounce, he weighed thirty lbs.! And he already had me. Sixty yards away, He was looking straight at me. I couldn't raise my gun, I couldn't even blink. He would have busted every turkey in the area if I had moved. So I watched him walk into the woods.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw some movement. Sure enough, another gobbler was walking up the gas line. He wasn't fifty yards away, and didn't have a clue that I was in the area. He walked behind a tree, allowing me an opprtunity to raise my gun. When he walked past the tree, I pulled the trigger. He became my baptism into the world of turkey. 17 to 20 lbs., with a ten inch beard and 1" spurs, he was as good as I could ask for in the first turkey I have ever killed.